
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

My First (successful) Water Marble!!

How exciting is this?! I was finally able to do a decent water marble! One of my friends was learning how to do water marbling at beauty school last week and she asked if I wanted to get together and practice, so we did this past weekend. Here is the result:

I used Zoya Mira, Sally Hansen Caribbean Coral, and Essie Absolutely Shore for this marble. Caribbean Coral photographed WAY too bright and red; it is very bright in person, but it's more pink-toned than red. The nails that aren't marbled have three coats of Absolutely Shore on them. I was pretty happy with my first three nails, but my thumb (below, which I did last) was definitely the best! I can't wait to try this again now that I've gotten the hang of it!

Here is a photo of the fake nails that my friend practiced on. I'm thinking that I have to try the gray and purple one next! 


  1. Yay! I love this! Water marbling is hard. Congratulations on perfecting it! x

  2. Congrats! I have a # of muddy messes from my attempts. It's hard to get it down. I am better at spatters and water colouring so far.

  3. It's a lot of work but so worth the result!

  4. Woohoo! It looks fantastic, I love the colors that you chose! It took me a while to get the hang of marbling and even still, I'm not always satisfied with the results.

  5. Lovely colour combination! I'm yet to get this right

  6. Yay! It looks great!!

  7. love the colors ! they're doing well together ! I'm not good at water marble but you 're givin me motivation to try again ! On the fake nail, I love the grey and blue one (the second nail!)

  8. congrats, love it! I'm still torturing with that


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