
Friday, March 23, 2012

Happy Hunger Games!!!

I CAN'T BELIEVE TODAY IS FINALLY HERE! I have been dying to see this movie for MONTHS! I'm almost as excited for The Hunger Games as I was for Harry Potter this past summer. And just like what happened with HP, I was up until 11PM last night finishing my nails for the HG premiere today. Poor planning at it's finest! Thankfully, I was able to come do something totally kick ass!

I started out with two coats of Zoya Ibiza for a nice inky-night-sky look. I know everybody is focusing on how Katniss had flames painted on her nails before the Games, but I was thinking of a specific scene in the book. Gold star for you if you can guess which one! After Ibiza was dry, I took a paint brush and brushed Zoya Purity (so that my other colors would stand out off the dark blue better) starting from my cuticles and flowing up the nails, trying to mimic flames. Lastly, I brushed China Glaze Lighthouse, Riveting, and Zoya Sooki on top of Purity. It's fierce! I hope you all like this as much as I do! Oh, and how do you like that little nubby ring nail I've got there? I got a little too friendly with my nail file a few days ago. :P


  1. Superrr gorgeous! Love the layered look of the flames! :D


    Is it when they send the flames? This is the most realistic rendition of flames in all of the nail art I've seen recently, must replicate it :)

  3. Oh man this is complete and utter perfect. It's excellent! I'm going to have to try this out!

  4. Is it when they sent like balls of fire? It was a really good scene. *Love* the nails. :)

  5. I love this manicure and the colors you used! I still haven't finished the books but I want to before I watch the movie.

  6. Okay, this is the best girl on fire mani I've seen so far, ah-mazing!!!

  7. Lol I don't see your ring nail different than usual lol ! I love your mani really it's perfect and so complete... I don't want to seem ridiculous but I haven't heard about the HUNGER GAMES book here, in France, until now that I read nail's blog lol ! So I can't associate this mani to the story but I think it's perfect though!

  8. I love this nail art tho I am sorry to say I have never read the book and probaly wont get to see the films till they're out on dvd yes im deprived but I LUV LUV LUV THIS LOOK...been looking for realistic looking flames for a while now not the airbrushed ones either tahnk you so much!!!!!

  9. im sorry please arase my comment under Alexandra I accidently typed in my url out of habit it links to my business page I do apologize but I love you nail art for the hunger games so so so realistic

  10. @coco If U don't seen HUNGER GAMES, U must to get out a little bit more, the movie is on theater since this week and the book "hunger games 3" on library 2011!(en francais)... If U live in Paris U can't miss it!

  11. Best flame-nail polish I've ever seen! Nicely done :)

  12. Oh my gosh this is amazing! I think this is my favorite fire mani that I've seen.

  13. They look great! I love the combination of colors and the layering you did to create the flames.

  14. Holy wow, this is awesome. I am absolutely mesmerized by this manicure.

  15. Kristy (@caponescloset)March 23, 2012 at 10:14 PM

    Glad u have a watermark, I saw these posted up on the popular page of instagram. Great look!

  16. Oh I'm so glad someone put ur pic on IG! And super glad you have a watermark, I LOVE your blog! Your work I amazing :)

  17. :O Holy. Cow! Seriously gorgeous!

    1. Whoops. I clearly forgot I commented earlier today lol. I've looked at it quite a few times :)

  18. This is absolutely, mind blowingly beautiful!! Seriously some of the best HG nail art I've seen. :)

  19. Do you have fake nails on? The paint is perfect around the cuticle! How do you do it?!!

    1. No fakes here! :) I've gotten pretty good at painting with all the practice I have, but I also take a small brush and dip it in acetone and swipe along my cuticle to get a nice smooth edge there.

  20. love this look…will need to try out soon!


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