
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

500 Nail Designs Book Giveaway! Enter to Win an Advanced Copy!

Good evening everyone! I have such exciting news for you: the advanced copies of my book have come in and I'm sitting here with an actual physical copy of my very own book on my desk right now. But perhaps even more exciting (for you, anyway) is that my publisher has allowed me to give away one of the advanced copies to one of my very lucky readers!! Keep reading for more information on how to enter!

In case you haven't been around here long, last spring/summer I created 500 nail art designs for this book titled 500 Nail Designs. This was a huge project and came at the time when I was in my last few months of college, so it required a lot of time and commitment. Luckily, the publishing company that I'm working with is absolutely amazing and guided me through the entire process with patience and geniune excitement for the book. Fast forward to today, when I finally get to touch and hold the object that was previously only accessible in my mind. I can't find the words to express how thankful I am for this opportunity or how much it means to me, but I truly am so grateful.

Now for the giveaway rules:
You must be a resident of the United States, Canada, or United Kingdom.
You must be 18 or older to enter, or have parental consent.
You must complete the mandatory entries on the Rafflecopter widget below.
Please note that Fair Winds Press will be shipping the prize directly to the winner.
Good luck! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. My dream is to find some property that Scott and I can afford and start our lives together

  2. Moving back to Texas to be with my family.

  3. My dream is to become a nutritional psychologist.

  4. To be able to financially leave nursing and focus on the arts - designing & maybe going back to school.

  5. I'd love to become a fashion designer and see my work on the red carpet :)

  6. I'd love to be able to open my own business with my husband so that we could spend more time together....

  7. I want to be a librarian. And then I can add your book to my collection!

  8. To have my own farm in the country. Would love to grow and raise most of my own food and live off the land.

  9. To be able to afford to buy a home, rather than rent.

  10. Oh my gosh! What an amazing accomplishment. Congratulations Chelsea! A personal goal/dream of mine is to have my nails published in a magazine.

  11. My dream is to be able to buy the property I lived on from the age of 10 until I was 46....

  12. I want to own a bakery. Thanks for this giveaway!

  13. Hmmm. My dream would be able to have enough money and energy to have a sanctuary for rescued farm animals.

  14. My dream is to do some traveling....Russia, Hawaii, Switzerland, Ireland, Iceland etc.

  15. My dream is that I'll be a good enough mom that my kids will have a great relationship with me when they're older. Then maybe I'll occasionally bring them with me as I travel the world.

  16. My dream is to finally graduate college this December and to be the first person in my family to do so!

  17. My dream is to win the lottery and travel the world. Unfortunately that probably won't happen!

  18. My dream is to see my children achieve their goals, not the goals I have for them. In the meantime, I'd love to go back to school and earn my meteorology degree...

  19. Congratulations on your book! :) My dream is to open my own business!

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. I want to own a house w/ a pool and I'd like to visit Iceland and Russia! Congrats on your book :)

  22. I wanna travel all over the world! Congrats on the book!

  23. This book look and sounds amazing! Even if I don't win I'll probably buy it! Congrats!!

  24. My dream is to start a family this year

  25. Congratulations Chelsea!! I am SO proud of you, and totally stoked!! What an accomplishment.
    One of my many dreams, is to be able to travel with my husband. Ultimately on a flexible timeline, stopping where and when we want. Destination unknown.

  26. My dream is to stay home and raise my family which I'm doing!!

  27. Finish my BSN degree so I can work in a hospital

  28. I dream of the day that there is a cure for Fibromyalgia so I can get my life back.

  29. To be a cook and To get better.

  30. My dream is to somehow make my hobby of painting my nails into a real income!

  31. My dream is to be a fashion and beauty writer for a magazine, like Allure or Marie Claire, or both.

  32. My dream is to move to England and meet a nice bloke.

  33. Now this is something I'd love to read!! I am a student, I study play, and my dream is to help facilitate wellness and joy everywhere I go. To make sure that every child, adult and senior feels able to take time for themselves and do things that make them happy!!

  34. My dream is to own my own nail salon!

  35. My dream is to move into a new house within the next couple of years. Congratulations on your book!

  36. Seriously amazing, you should be so proud of yourself!
    I dream that I will, one day, employ a cobbler to custom-make me gorgeous shoes (I have funny-shaped feet, really really hard to find shoes outside of New Balance sneakers) and have somewhere to store them all!

  37. My dream is to live by the ocean before I become too crippled to be able to enjoy it!

  38. My dream is to be financially stable and be able to foster rescued cats and dogs

  39. What an amazing accomplishment! So exciting! I can't wait to see what you've done!

  40. My dream is to live near/work at Walt Disney World and make people's dreams come true. And paint nails!

  41. My dream is to be debt free and be able to travel the world!

  42. My dream is to be happy, and have a job I look forward to going to. Would also quite like this book :-)

  43. One of my dreams was to go to Australia, which I accomplished, next is Britain. :)

  44. My dream is that my children will grow to be beautiful and healthy individuals, and that my spouse and I will achieve the healthy bodies, minds, and sustainability we desire. :)

  45. My dream is to run my own company!

  46. Getting a job within the fashion industry when I leave Uni

  47. My dream would be to own my own bakery or nail salon! :)

  48. To be able to see my sister and my BFF more often.

  49. My dream is to do nails full-time :)

  50. My dream is to live in Europe!

  51. Congrats! I would love to win, but if I don't, I will be sure to buy a copy!

  52. My dream is to travel the world :D

  53. my dream is to be a great singer!

  54. CONGRATS! What an awesome accomplishment. I have seen this book may be on another blog and I immediately called my bff and said OMG this is gonna be an awesome book! I want it so bad!

    Ok on to the dream, I am disabled with CFS and Fibromyalgia and the last 2 years have been especially bad. I LOVE decorating. LOVE IT! My athestic is modern and mid century modern. I have collected and stored quite a few pieces over the years. I am praying my SS disability is finally granted so I can get proper healthcare. Eventually my dream is to redo, and I mean strip to the studs, my home and then redecorate. This was my Mema's house and my Mom also grew up here. It is very very special to me. It was built in 1947 and it is original. The kitchen faucet comes out of the wall! It needs new plumbing, electrical, kitchen, bath, central a/c. EVERYTHING! It may take me the rest of my life but that is my dream! Wow I wrote a novel. Sorry!!! I am in bed alot and when I think about the house it gives me hope and I get excited. Now if my body would cooperate. Good Luck All!

  55. My dream is to finally get all set up with my mobile nail business and rent a salon chair at weekends! Fingers crossed as I'm not far off now I have my VTCT completed :) Xx

  56. My dream is to win this giveaway!! 😜

  57. Owning a small rancho with tons of land around it + horses :)

  58. Wow! This is huge! This is a huge accomplishment to be published! Congrats!

  59. To retire and buy a nice house in the country.

  60. Having my own nail salon!

  61. To get through nail tech school and become successful in the field.

  62. I'd like to see some of the world one day

  63. My dream was to create my own indie polish brand, & I did it! It's the best experience ever, and being able to see people love my work is the best feeling :)

  64. Congrats on your book! My dream is for my family and friends to stay happy and healthy.

  65. My dream is also to publish a book! Congratulations on making your dream come true!

  66. My dream is to have my own children one day and to pass my love of all things nails to my nieces and my daughter if I have one and just to have a simple easy life. Not much else. Congratulation on making your dream come true

  67. Congratulations on your book! It looks fantastic!!

  68. My dream is to just to find happiness in life

  69. Congratulations on the book! It looks amazing! My dream is to raise my kids to be good, productive, and happy people, and then have time to travel and see the world with my husband.

  70. congratulations on your book! my dream would be to travel the world, and maybe own a business with my wife :)

  71. To be able to give those I love anything they would ever want!

  72. Yay! So exciting! Congrats! My dream is to be able to open an successful and prosperous dog training facility where we rescue dogs and train them to become seeing eye dogs, PTSD dogs, and police dogs.

  73. One of my dreams would be to go back to school now that my kids are grown. My baby graduates from college in May!

  74. How awesome! Congrats on working hard to make your dream a reality! I want to reach a place financially where I can focus on the stuff that matters (kids, family, exploring, arts, ect )

  75. To own a tropical island and to spend my life cataloguing every living thing on it.

  76. My dream is to get back on my feet and on my own with my 2 kids with strength and courage and good health. Congrats to you! - Kayla Mc

  77. I want to learn to be an expert nail technician :D

  78. Good job!! My dream is the find my passion.

  79. I am a professional nail tech, so my dream is to one day work on celebrities nails! That would be so awesome and fun!

  80. My dream is to own an Aston Martin ;) haha...or, a more attainable dream...become a licensed nail tech!

  81. Buy a house somewhere south where it's warm and with enough land that I can have a garden.

  82. A pretty common one I think. My dream would be to be a professional singer of some kind. Not necessarily a pop star (although I would take it) but just have singing be the job that pays my bills...

  83. My dream is to see the world and make a difference. Cliche, but so true.

  84. My dream is to either have a successful cupcake business or be a successful blogger.

  85. My dream is to visit Egypt and see the pyramids.

  86. Congrats on your accomplishment! My dream is to become successful in my field and have a healthy family.

  87. My dream is to travel across America and get my nail polish business up and running :) Congrats on the book x

  88. My dream is to have a life with with love with my soon-to-be husband as we become partners in life. Ordinary and mundane to most but as long as I go through it with him, I feel as though I can achieve any aspiration.

  89. Grats on the book! I would love to finish my certification for Cisco and eventually work my way to being able to go to school for nails.

  90. My dream is to win this book!

  91. Congrats on such an amazing accomplishment! My dream is to travel more and to establish my own little bed and breakfast.

  92. I would really love to go to school to get certified as a nail tech.

  93. Can always use more nail art ideas!!

  94. I would love to create my own polish line and also become a licensed nail tech.

  95. I can't wait to see what's in this book! I would say my dream is to do what you're doing right now - hopefully I'll get there!

  96. To become a super famous fashion/shoe designer

  97. To not have to worry about money, food in the house, bills need payed, meds need bought, etc...
    Nothing fancy, just comfortable.

  98. To not have to worry about money, food in the house, bills need payed, meds need bought, etc...
    Nothing fancy, just comfortable.

  99. I'd love to start an animal shelter :)

  100. My dream is to own my own home with some land.

  101. My dream is simple to be happy and grow old with my husband and have well rounded children who are confident, happy and feel loved x

  102. Congratulations on you book! That is an amazing accomplishment! My dreams are to become a nail tech and a dietician.

  103. A HUGE congratulations on your dream come true. My dream, since I was a little girl, was to grow up to become a make-up artist. I will finally pursue this in 2016-2017.

  104. Congratulations on your book! I love your Disney designs, they are my favorite! My current dream which is already in the works, a vacation to Disneyland with my boyfriend including staying at the Disneyland Hotel. Another dream of mine is to have my favorite singer Max Bemis and his wife sing at my future wedding haha :)

  105. My Dream is to go to Burkina Faso!!

  106. My dream is to watch my amazing daughter grow.

  107. My dream is to be a veterinarian living in London while always finding the time to paint my nails!

  108. my dream is to find success doing what I love <3 Congrats!

  109. Congratulations! My dream is to walk again.

  110. My dream is to become a pro gamer!

  111. My dream is to be satisfied with what I have.

  112. To have a job in fashion.
    To live on the beach in Florida with beautiful ocean views!

  113. One of my dreams is to buy a lot of land to build a house for me and hubby and build a small house for my mother on the same land.

  114. It's corny and simple, but happiness. i always strive for happiness. whatever route that takes me on is worth it :)

  115. I dream of being a flying Ninja. Impractical, yes. Awsome? Absolutely.

  116. My dream is to be able to quit my job and be a full-time stay-at-home mom. :)

  117. My dream is to have a family of my own one day!

  118. To build our digital agency to a size where we can start working less rather than more. Oh to know the true feeling of a work week and a weekend!

  119. It's a shame I can't join because I'm not living in English countries. I'd like to take part of this giveaway.

  120. My dream is to quit my horribly mind numbing job and to be happy and relaxed! Never really gonna happen, but a girl can dream! :D

  121. Honestly, I am living my dream. I graduated a year ago and am working at the job of my dreams. It's not always perfect, but I LOVE what I get to do. I just went through a rough time and to be out of it for the time being has me in an incredibly grateful and happy place.

  122. My dream is to start making my own nail polish and have people love it and actually want to purchase it ~ Thank you for the giveaway!

  123. My dream is to work for a nail polish company or a nail polish distribution store. :)

  124. Would love my own little business doing nails and beauty and living in a little cottage, growing own fruit/veg, eggs etc raising my family

  125. My dream is to just be comfortable, to be employed at a place where I would be happy to be everyday, to be able to move away from the stalemate that my life is.

  126. I dream of having a house on a lake.

  127. I'm not quite sure what my dream is yet; I just want to be happy! Congrats on your book and thanks for the giveaway!

  128. My dream is to keep working hard. Send my two boys to college. Then travel, travel, travel.

  129. My dream would be for my grandmother in Australia to meet her great granddaughter from the U.S.

  130. My dream is to go on an Alaskan cruise tour and take in all that beauty!

  131. My dream is to go on an Alaskan cruise tour and take in all that beauty!

  132. So many dreams! But lately it's to have a nail boutique like Wah Nails in London :)

  133. Eventually I want to train to be a paramedic, but right now I'd settle on getting any job haha!

  134. My dream is to be a mineral prospector. Doesn't matter where or looking for what, I've wanted to since I was a kid!

  135. To open my own nail shop....Thank you for such a great giveaway... and Congrats....

  136. I hope to become a licensed nail tech in the near future.

  137. My dream would be to have enough money to move abroad

  138. I also would like to publish my own book someday!

  139. That's ME!! I WON!! I'm so excited. My birthday is in 12 days so this is a super birthday gift. It was actually on my wish list. I can't wait to get my hands on it and review it and post pics of my renditions of these designs. YAY!!!
    Thank you thank you THANK YOU!

  140. My dream is to start my own clothing business here in Pakistan :)


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