
Monday, December 16, 2013

TDOCNAS: Day 8: Santa's Belt Nail Art

Good morning everyone! Today's nail art was inspired by Santa's belt. I started with a base of two coats of China Glaze With Love. I carefully painted a horizontal stripe of black across each nail and then used Milani Signature Gold to paint the buckle.

I can't believe that we're already on Day 8! Christmas is only 9 days away! Have you finished all your holiday shopping? How about wrapping?


  1. This is so adorable! I am going to try this!

  2. SNAP! Well almost. I think I prefer your all red version but I can't strip my elves naked at this time of night, it would be unseemly.

  3. I think these are so cute!

  4. This is so classically holiday! Love it!


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