
Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving Feather Gradient Nail Art!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope you all have a wonderful day and eat tons of delicious food! I'll be at my parents' house all day doing just that. ;) I love me a good gradient and this autumn-inspired one has me drooling almost as much as the thought of pumpkin pie!

To create the gradient, I dug through my collection and found a light tan, a burnt orange, a red, and a darker berry red (I'm so sorry I don't remember exactly which ones I used!). I painted all my nails with the light tan and then painted stripes of each color onto a sponge and sponged them onto my nails. Once that was all dry, I stamped a feather image onto each nail with white polish and finished with top coat.

What are you wearing on your nails for Thanksgiving? Are you going Black Friday shopping? I hope everyone stays warm and safe out there, I know how nuts it can get!


  1. Happy Thanksgiving! Love this mani:)

  2. Lovely gradient. The colours work so well together!

  3. This is wonderful, Happy Thanksgiving to you!

  4. Happy Thanksgiving!!!!! This is beyond cute! What a fabulous gradient!

  5. That gradient is probably the most gorgeous gradient I have come across! I'll have to try the striping directly onto the sponge method soon!

  6. I agree with Cait... the most gorgeous elegant gradient I've come across in a long time!! beautiful.

  7. Wow! This indeed is one of the most gorgeous gradients I've seen so far... Love the stamping over it too! What plate is that? Cheeky?

  8. Really nice! I think it works even without the stamping.

  9. I love this manicure! I think I wouldn't have stamped over it because I like it better without the stamping but it does work together :)


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