
Monday, April 1, 2013

Fandom Series: 'Bad Wolf' Doctor Who Nail Art

Good morning! I hope everyone had a lovely weekend! I have a second design in my Fandom Series to share with you today and it is Doctor Who themed! Very fitting since I believe a new episode aired over the weekend. It sucks not having BBC America!

Also, happy birthday to the greatest fiancé in the world! Love you! :*

In honor of one of my favorite companion, Rose, I chose to do Bad Wolf nails instead of the typical TARDIS-inspired art. I started out with two coats of ManGlaze Matte is Murder and then hand painted the words using a plain white polish.

Do you watch Doctor Who? Who was your favorite companion?


  1. Ooh, I love this! I think Rose was my favourite too, she and Tennant made a great pairing.

  2. I'm a massive Whovian! I even have a TARDIS dress :P And I love these because Nine is my favourite Doctor and I would have loved to see him with no nonsense Donna! I also love Jack, but who desen't!

  3. Whovians unite!! I like all the companions, but I think Donna is my favorite. Kathren Tate is just too damn funny. I love these nails! I have the Bad Wolf version of the TARDIS (papercraft) on my office desk and it makes me smile (lots of Dr. Who papercraft on it).

  4. LOVE this! Simple yet badass! It's one I might actually able to re-create on my own!

    My favorite companion is Donna Noble! She's just funny and awesome, and were both a little loud and rude so I feel a special connection with her. ;) BBC America had a Companion special on last night and they had the audacity to act as if Donna Noble never existed. Pissed me off.

  5. We're 100 % Rose fans here! Love your nails!

  6. Rose was good but Donna as my fav too and love the mani :D

  7. What a simple and nice manicure :)

  8. Wow, that's really cool. I like the black matte polish!!!

  9. These are GREAT! I too love Who. Even love the TARDIS blue nail polish. What polish is it? I may need it. :)

  10. LOVE!!! Rose is our favorite here, too. And Nine. I miss them. These nails are badass!!!

  11. Awesome, love it! As I live in Europe, I've BBC One reception, so I can watch the new episodes when they originally air. So far, I like the new companion Clara. I've seen so many companions, it's hard to pick a favorite, though (I also watch the old stuff from 50 years ago).

  12. Amazing manicure!! Rose was my favourite too (and 10th is the favourite doctor:))

  13. Nice mani! I LOVE Doctor Who! Rose was my favorite companion by far :) David Tennant <3

  14. So simple, yet I am sooo in love! My fave companion was Amelia Pond. Who couldn't love the mother of River Song? Plus she's a ginger! Don't get me wrong, I loved rose and was heartbroken when she was "gone", but I like Amy's dedication to Rory despite the gravitational pull of the Doctor. Yes...I admit it....I am a hardcore fangirl. Hate to admit it, but I have been since the 70's when I was in love with a certain curly haired Doctor and hid behind my father's chair when the aliens came out.

  15. Awesome! I'm a huge fan as well, and I've just been rewatching all the new series. Donna still is my favourite companion because she and the Doctor make a great and hilarious team but after rewatching the first and second series, I like Rose a lot more than I did the first time around. She's pretty awesome.

  16. Brilliant! David Tennant and Rose were the best duo since Tom Baker's 4th doctor met Sarah Jane Smith. Your nails are fab-u-lous! Well done and so very chic! Even a non "Whovian" should love this!Can't wait to copy your style. Kudos!!

  17. I absolutely love it!!! You are BRILLIANT!!

    I might just have to steal this idea ;)


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