
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

An Apology & Some Exciting News!!

Good morning everyone! Firstly, I want to apologize for not posting consistently lately. I've had a lot on my plate (I graduate college in less than a month, weee!!!) and I haven't had as much time for blogging as I would like. This also relates to my exciting news...

I'm writing a book! It will feature a whole mess of nail designs all created and photographed by me! I'm so unbelievably excited for this opportunity, but it is also going to be something that unfortunately interferes with blogging. However, this project should be completed and I will be able to focus solely on the blog again by July.

So, at this point, I am not going to commit to a rigid posting schedule for The Nail Network. I will continue to swatch and occasionally post as best I can when I can, but I cannot promise a certain number of posts per week. I hope you all understand and are willing to hang with me until I finish this huge, awesome project! :D


  1. OMGOSH!!! how exciting!!! Congratulations!! All the best! :D

  2. Congratulations! I can't wait to buy one when they are done!!

  3. Wow, that is such exciting news. Congratulations :)

  4. Congratulations on graduating and the book! I wish you all the best :)

  5. Congrats on graduation, and on this soon-to-be-stellar book! I can't wait for it to come out! Will there be new manicures, or pictures of ones you have posted in the past? I can't wait! Your manis are so pretty and fun!

  6. Sounds great :) I am also graduating college in a month and I am lacking my blogging also ;)

  7. Wow how exciting! Can't wait for your book then :)

  8. omygosh congratulations Chelsea! Looking forward to updates on your book and congrats on graduating. I graduated last semester and it was hella tough finding time to blog at the same time. Good luck with everything!

  9. Congratulations!! Exciting news, indeed!

  10. That's awesome! Can't wait to hear more details.

  11. sound awesome and I cannot wait to see the end result.

  12. Congratulations! That is so exciting!

  13. Hi Astrid! It won't be out until spring of 2014. I'll keep everyone updated when I get an exact date!


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