
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

KQC Flat Iron Review from Flat Iron Experts

Hello everyone! I have something a bit different for you all today: a hair product review! I received the KQC X-Heat Tourmaline ceramic flat iron from Flat Iron Experts to test out and review for you guys and spoiler alert: I love it! The flat iron heats up to 410 degrees Fahrenheit, so it works fast! As you can tell by my "before" photos below, my hair has a slightly wavy texture to it when I let it air dry or slightly blow dry it.

And here are my after pictures! It didn't take me more than five minutes to straighten my hair as you can see below. All you need is one swift motion down each piece of hair for you to get a sleek, straight style. My flat iron also came with a heat protecting spray and a flat iron holder that you can use to hold your hot iron instead of setting it on a counter. I don't typically use a heat protector when I style my hair, but I will definitely be using this spray from now on. The holder comes with suction cups on the bottom so you can stick it to your counter top and it'll stay put.
Overall, I would definitely recommend this flat iron if you are searching for a good one! I've tried quite a few in the past couple of years and this one beats them all, hands down! It is a little pricey as far as styling tools go (to me anyway) but it seems like a solid piece of equipment that will last a long time. Do you straighten your hair often or do you prefer to rock your natural texture?

Products provided for review


  1. I don't straighten my hair very often. I used to but lately I'm just too lazy :P I just blow dry it and it goes mostly straight.
    Your hair looks great :)

  2. I used to use a flat iron for a while a long time ago. Now I just rock my curls. So much less time but the occasional straight hair is nice once in a while.

  3. I don't straighten my hair at all. It goes down to my tailbone, and it wouldn't stay that long if I'd treat it with heat too often...

  4. I rarely straighten my hair hahaha, I'm really lazy :P

  5. My hair is straight, I would love to have it a bit more curly like yours ;-).

  6. My hair is pretty wavy and frizzy I bet this would would awesome for me! I don't straighten it much anymore but I just don't put enough effort in my appearance other that my nails lately D:

  7. looks nice, thank you for the recommendation, I use the karmin g3 which is pretty good too, keeps my hair super straight. :D

  8. I used to have long, gorgeous, natural beach waves. Like, celebrity-standard, all I had to do was let it air dry. It was perfectly ombre too. Then I chopped it off and now my natural texture is blah. I don't want to straighten it and ruin whatever wave I have.

    I just keep telling myself: "It grows, it grows, it's okay. You donated it, and it grows. It's just hair."

    But I hate it. I don't want to style my hair. I never have before. I'm lazy.


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