
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Fandom Series: Harry Potter 'Battle of Hogwarts' Nail Art

Hey guys! So I have three designs that I dubbed part of a "Fandom Series" that have been hanging out in my draft folder for quite a while because I wasn't too sure about them. I went back through and checked them out again and decided that I'm ready to share! This series is going to be open ended (like my WDW and Disney Princess ones). This first mani is inspired by my all-time favorite book and movie series, Harry Potter (and by Emerald Sparkled's design).

I started out with two coats of black polish and sponged white over where I wanted the colors to go. Then I sponged and painted some red, green, and light yellow acrylic paint over the white to get the look of the colors colliding. If you haven't seen the last HP movie, this design is in reference to the scene of the final battle between Harry and Voldemort.

I'm really excited to bring you the rest of the designs that I have drafted! I hope you all enjoy geekiness as much as I do! ;)


  1. That looks so amazing!!! Especially on the black. Amazing work

  2. Looove!! They actually look like this design would make awesome nail polish strips! That's how good I think they are!!!

  3. These are great! a nice different approach on HP nails.

    I've actually just started doing a nerdy nail art series on my blog at the mo too - geeky fandoms are a great place for art inspiration!

    Can't wait to see more of your geeky nails! :)

  4. These are wonderful! I can see the technique working with lots of color combos, too.

  5. Ooh this is such a fabulous mani, I knew right away what it was!

  6. very cool! love harry potter and these nails capture the battle perfectly.

  7. Even though I haven't seen any of the films or read the books, I still love this manicure! So cool!

  8. Nice interpretation!! I love it!

  9. Oh my god I love it so much! This is seriously the coolest thing ever! You're awesome! I love Harry Potter more than anything and definitely have to recreate this!

  10. So pretty! Love the colors so much <333

  11. I LOVE this!! I'm a huge HP nerd, too - this design is so creative!

  12. This nail art is lovely! It looks so difficult!

  13. Love it!! And it's interesting how red is actually the good guy...I just realized this right now.

  14. Thank you for mentioning me =D So awesome! =D

  15. avada kedavra and expelliarmus? i love this so much! or maybe im just to big of a potterhead


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