
Thursday, February 14, 2013

Zoya Valentine's Day Water Marble Mani

Happy Valentine's Day everybody! I'm not normally that into V-Day, but I love a good reason to do some nail art. I haven't done a water marble in a long time so I thought that I'd break out what little skills I have for a holiday appropriate mani.

I used Zoya Reagan, Lara, and GeiGei for the marble, with just Reagan on my index and pinkie nails. I was going to marble all of my nails, but I really like using them with accent nails better. So, do any of you have exciting plans for tonight? :P


  1. Outstanding! Rock those water marble skills!

  2. Your nail marbles are so perfect...

  3. Wow, that is absolutely beautiful! Happy Valentine's Day!

  4. The colour combo for the water marble is great. I love water marbling, it's messy but loads of fun.

  5. Really great! I still didn't conquer the water marble technique, and I adore those who did.. :)

  6. This looks gorgeous! The pinks look amazing together and your water marble looks beautiful!


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