
Friday, January 4, 2013

Sephora by OPI It's Real 18k Gold Topcoat Swatches/Review

I've had this post in my drafts for a while now and thought it was finally time to share it. I wasn't completely in love with the gold flake topcoats that were coming out late last year, but when the Sephora by OPI one went on crazy sale, I knew I had to try it. For $3, I'm really happy!

This is two coats of It's Real over Zoya Anja. I love how the gold looks over the deep red. Ultimately though, I would never have paid the full retail price of $30 for this; that's insanity! I think that there are a ton of colors that this would look awesome over (anything jewel-toned especially) and I'm excited to try it over a turquoise in the summer!


  1. Wow, it was a real bargain, and the plish is jsut awesome :-)

  2. I have got to get my hands on Gold Flakes. You were is perfectly! I love it!

  3. $3 Wow ! Lol, it's my favourite gold top coat, love love it over jewel tones and love your combination too : )

  4. Love the idea of a gold top coat of turquoise! =)

  5. This is really pretty! And at least it has a better price point than most the other gold flakie polishes.

  6. I can't believe you got this for $3! What a steal! It's just gorgeous, but I agree with you...I would NOT pay full price for this!

  7. Same, I didn't take much notice of these when they came out but I've been seeing them on blogs a lot recently and think they look great. What a bargain you got!

  8. $3!?! Holy cow! And I thought $15 was a steal! How did that happen? Funny you post this combination, I did a similar one, too :) Yours is really lovely!

  9. is very cute!
    Super delicate ...


  10. $3! wow - I know I saw it when it was full price $18 - last summer and I did not think much of it from the sample bottle - I already knew Zoya and OPI were coming out with a large gold flakie so this one went out of my mind - it did not seem much different from some old Essies I have that spread on pretty much like this in gold and in silver. Then I heard this was around for $8 - but $3 is really cheap despite I still think it's not that exciting - but if I did not own one of the larger gold flakies I would feel different I am sure.

  11. I love that the gold is smaller than for example in TMWTGG by OPI :)

  12. Gold and black go so perfect together!

  13. Oh wow. I wish I had of known it was on sale. I would have got some. =(

  14. I just found a bottle of this at Big Lots for $1.80! :)

  15. Just bought this baby for $1.80 myself :)

  16. Just bought this baby for $1.80 myself :)


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