
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Pirate Mani feat. Cheeky's Summer Plates Photos/Review

Hey everyone! I have a really awesome review for you today courtesy of Cheeky. They were kind enough to send me their summer collection of stamping plates and I'm really excited to share them with you! For my review, I decided to use some of the designs from the pirate plate (CH49). I used Milani Fast Dry shades for this mani: Rapid Cherry, Black Swift, and White on the Spot. And I also used Darling Diva Polish Chrome Job on my pinky nail.

I'm really, really impressed with these plates and I'd venture to say that they are the best ones I've ever used. The designs are etched nice and deep so that you can get a crisp stamp every time and the plates/designs themselves are larger to accommodate those with larger nails. The main reason I wanted these plates, however, was due to the awesome and unique designs that they had! I mean really, where else can you get not only one pirate image, but a whole plate full? The plates come in this awesome little storage box that closes magnetically. Cheeky definitely out did their competition as far as overall presentation is concerned!

When you open the box, the plates are contained in a plastic cut out and you will find a "Nail Artist License" that you can fill in with your name and use as a scraper if you don't have one handy. Overall, I would definitely recommend picking these up if you enjoy stamping as a form of nail art. The Cheeky plates are a fantastic product and very high quality. You can view all of the designs and purchase the plates here. Do you stamp your nails? What do you think of my design?

*Product in this post was provided for my honest review.*


  1. OMG! So amazing! You've sold me on these Cheeky plates, off to buy myself a set right now!

  2. I agree that the Cheeky plates are awesome..esp for the price!!! I have both the reg 2012 set and this Summer 2012 set. For some reason my skull heads come out all smeary, but the rest of the plate is fine. Im thinking the etching is a bit deep on mine...that or the polish im using doesnt play well with that image. I have ordered the Konad "special polish" which will hopefully fix the smear. Such a cute mani!! Hopefully the Konad will come in time for of the main reasons i bought the set was for the skull print and the anchor print.

  3. Oh my gosh, these plates are soooo cute!! I am definitely going to check them out!

  4. Most adorable thing ever! The colors and varied images rock!

  5. Ouuuuh Nice!!! Thanks for the link

  6. Lovely! And such a nice box the plates are in.

  7. This looks super amazing! I especially love the red wheel on white


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