
Thursday, September 6, 2012

Guest Post: College Polished Gets Fierce With a Skittle Mani!

Hey everyone, please welcome Kim from College Polished as our guest poster today! I hope you guys are enjoying these posts as much as I am! Kim has a fierce mani to share with us today :)
Hi dolls! I’m so honored to be guest posting for Chelsea seeing how obsessed with her blog I am! Today I’ve got a pretty, yet simple mani with a little bit of free-hand nail art inspired from an interesting source. Let’s jump right in!
For this mani, I used Nina Ultra Pro Black for the cheetah spots, Essie Cascade Cool, Black Cat Lacquer ­Let Them Have Cake, China Glaze For Audrey and Sinful Colors Unicorn. 
The inspiration from this manicure actually came from a new bathing suit I just picked up from Victoria’s Secret. I saw it and immediately went “Oooooh, this would look great as a mani.” That being said, I had to jump on it ASAP!
I used two coats each of Cascade Cool, Unicorn and For Audrey and three coats of Let Them Have Cake. There’s still a slight VNL which could easily be covered by using a base coat or maybe a few more coats, but personally I love how it looks!
Cheetah print is probably one of my most favorite types of nail art for two reasons – 1) it’s insanely easy and 2) I’m obsessed with all things cheetah. No. Really.­ All you have to do is use a dotting tool or even toothpicks to make small dots in each color you want. Next, you can use either a smaller dotting tool or another toothpick and draw little curves around the outside out the dots to look like cheetah spots! Aaaaand you’re done. Quick, easy, and beautiful! Now if getting ready in the morning could only be that easy ;)
That’s all from me today, huge thanks again to Chelsea for letting me guest blog for her! Please feel free to check out my blog ( and Facebook page ( as well!


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