
Sunday, August 19, 2012

Stinky Theives & Back-to-School Update

Hey everybody! There are a couple things that I want to touch on at the moment and I wanted to take a separate blog post to do it rather than adding it onto one of my usual posts.

Firstly, as you may or may not know, last week I was alerted to a blog that was stealing my ENTIRE blog posts and tons of them (over 30!). The blogger even reposted images of my face and acted as if they were her own. I'm sure you can understand how angry and creeped out I was (and still am). I have filed a complaint with Blogger and I know a couple other bloggers did as well, so I'm waiting to see what they can do about it. I know running a blog is not the hardest job ever and I do get enjoyment out of it, but it does take a decent amount of effort and I'm not a fan of people blatantly ripping off my work like that. This is the reason why right-clicking is currently disabled on The Nail Network. I'm sorry for any inconvenience that this may cause my readers, but I had to feel like I was doing something pro-active to stop this copying from happening. I also know that this doesn't prevent copying completely, but again, I wanted to feel like I was doing something. I hope you all can understand the reasoning behind this and look past this small inconvenience for the time being. I want to take some time to calm down and think about this situation before I enable right-clicking again and I hope you can appreciate that.

Secondly, I will be going back down to posting three times a week (Monday/Wednesday/Friday) starting this week. I am starting classes again next Monday and I will be moving out of my house sometime in the next two weeks or so, so I have a lot on my plate and unfortunately blogging has to be put at the end of my priority list. I really enjoyed posting so often this summer and I wish I could continue to do so, but I don't handle stress very well and I don't want to get into a situation where I'm sacrificing my academic effort in order to blog five times a week. I'm sure you all can understand where I'm coming from and I thank you for that.

So that's what is going on with me on this fine Sunday. Thank you to those of you who took the time to read this and I will see you again for tomorrow morning's post! :)


  1. No worries about disabling the right click option.. Sometimes a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do!

    I'm sad about only mon wed and fri, but, yeah you have more important stuff going on, so it's understandable 100%

    Lastly, I REALLY Love your blog.. I love seeing all the new colors tested out! It's one of mu joys after coming home from work and winding down. Keep up the awesome work :)

    1. Thank you! I'm sad that I have to cut down on posting too, but I'm so glad you understand! :)

  2. I completely understand that you have to do what's best for you and your blog and I know that a lot of others will to. We love your blog because of all that you put into it and if that means 3 times a week, we will take what we can get!

    Good luck with school and the move!

    1. Thank you so much! I'll try to keep you guys updated about the move in another post update; I'm really excited about it!

  3. I would just keep right-clicking disabled. Sinful Colors was caught stealing blogger photos and Julep is a repeat offender. You have the right to protect your posts and I doubt anyone would blame you for doing so. I used to be a search engine rater and Blogger usually works pretty quickly to resolve these things so hopefully they will pull that blog as soon as possible. I love your blog and I love your swatches. Best to you with school starting! You'll do amazingly <3

    1. I'm hoping they'll pull it quickly too! Thanks so much for your understanding! <3

  4. Oh god, that is so incredibly rude. How do people's minds work!? Hope the issue is resolved for you soon!

  5. Wow, that is terrible. I really don't understand what goes throug a thief's mind to steal something like that,even if virtually, with no conscience whatsoever.

    Keep on posting! :)

  6. The right click message is perfect!! :)

  7. So sorry that you've been having this happen to you, it's atrocious of them. Your right-click dialog is great! Best of luck with the return to school :)

  8. Wow, that is insane and totally messed up! People are so crazy!!

    Good luck with school! I enjoy your blog! :)

  9. You're doing the right thing - you should only be right clicking to pin in all honesty, and there's a toolbar button for that.
    I tried to report that girl but I had to be the copyright owner, which to my knowledge she didn't steal anything from me, so there wasn't much I could do, but hopefully between you and anyone else who reported her, that will be enough.
    What a lazy skag. Not even a note in her blog that they weren't her posts, just blatant stealing.

  10. I didn't realize you couldn't right click, so I tried it. The result made me burst out laughing. Love it.

  11. Stealing even your face??? Holy crap. I hope they do something about it. Good luck in school!

  12. Love your right click message! lol

  13. That is creepy and horrible. I don't really understand the whole point of it either O_o

  14. I certainly don't blame you for adding the right click block-was it hard to do? I may want to do that-not that my nails are anything worth stealing!! I hate that people out there have to ruin it for the ones who put in the sweat and work

  15. It's a sad world we live in and so many had rather steal than work. So sorry to hear about this. But I am a firm believer that "what goes around;comes around" and karma will collect.

    from sunny south ALABAMA; be blessed


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Please do NOT post a link for your blog in your comment. If you have a blog you would like me to check out, you can send me an e-mail via the address in my Contacts page. Thank you for your understanding.