
Thursday, August 2, 2012

Monthly Favorites: July!

Hey everybody! This is a new thing that I'm going to be trying out on the blog: a monthly favorites post! My friend Jess at Love for Lacquer has been doing one of these posts for a while now and I love reading hers, so I thought maybe you guys would enjoy it if I did one. So without further adieu, my favorite things from July:

Nail Polish:
Two of my very favorite nail polishes that I acquired during July were Naild'It Summer Lovin' Melon (left) and Rescue Beauty Lounge Coral (right). Both are amazing polishes in their own way and I'm thrilled to have both in my collection.

Make Up:
In July, I really started getting into wearing make up again and I really went crazy trying new cosmetics. So far, my two favorite products are NARS powder blush in Orgasm and Buxom lip gloss in Samantha. The lip gloss is such a flattering color on me and I love how the minty-ness makes my lips tingle.


My aunt bought me this little anchor bracelet for my birthday and I haven't taken it off since I got it. It's tiny and perfect and I don't think I could love it anymore than I do.

I also tried Nutella for the first time in July and am now completely obsessed with it. It's heavenly on a warm english muffin for breakfast!

I became obsessed with a summery Coach bag with sea shells on it at the beginning on July, but quickly realized I would not have the funds to own it. Luckily, I found this adorable make up bag at my local Coach outlet store on sale for $14!

And last but not least, two of my very favorite things this July: braided bangs and margaritas! I'm trying to learn how to completely french braid my hair, but so far my bangs are the only thing I can braid decently. And I turned 21 on July 1st, so the whole month was filled with yummy margaritas for me! ;P

So what were some of your favorite things in July? What do you think about this post, are you excited to see more like this?

 *Some of the products in this post were provided for review purposes. Everything else was a gift or purchased by me.


  1. Love these types of posts! I really like yours too, RBL coral is stunning, I love that nars blush, and oh my goodness, isn't nutelly just amazing? :)

  2. Happy Belated Birthday! you look so cute.
    I am loving the swatches and I am almost convinced to go crazy with RBL :)

  3. Thumbs up to all of it!! And happy belated Bday!! :D

  4. ohhh I really love this Rescue Beauty polish ! and love ur makeup bag!

  5. i normally dont like pink but that pink looks great on you!

  6. I love Summer Lovin Melon! I have Summer Lovin Water and now I need the pair! The anchor bracelet is adorbs also :)


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