
Friday, August 31, 2012

Lynnderella A Neutral Party Swatch

I know that Lynnderella polish is a touchy subject lately, but I received A Neutral Party in a swap and I think it's really beautiful, so I wanted to share it with you guys. I layered one coat here over Milani Chocolate Sprinkles (totally my new fav brown) and as you can see, it has a shimmery base packed with different shades of brown glitter. I love that there is huge hex glitter in the mix as well (you can see one near the tip of my pinky nail).


I'm curious to know what your opinions are on Lynnderella. Do you care about the drama surrounding the polish? I personally only own two Lynnderellas at the moment that I got through swapping, but I'd love to have more!


  1. This looks very nice - like an antique bronze (?) I don't have any Lynderella, but mostly due to $$$, not controversy (although that doesn't help me want it)

  2. Beautiful color. Haven't seen this one yet.

  3. i want to like neutral party but i think all the shimmer covers up the glitter too much - like milky jellies that are too opaque for the glitter to show through. I do love the colour though

  4. I really don't like what's happening with Lynnderella...
    Usually I don't care about personal qualities of someone behind the brand, but there's definitely some strange things going on with this one. When Lynnderellas were sold on Llarowe, everyone benefited from it, and now many people can't get these polishes anymore. I think it's a bit offensive to cut people off such hyped products, although I understand that Lynn just wants more money and she has the right to do it. But at least she could stop pretending to care about customers - I don't like such hypocrites.

    Nevertheless, this polish is beautiful! It's among two ones I would buy from recent collection, if only I lived in US...No matter what bad person Lynn is(

  5. Beautiful, I like to see a comparison with Lynn's Change. I don't get into the drama with any polish maker or any polish brand. I don't judge people. All I care about if I love the polish and if I can afford them I'll buy them. I love Lynnderella polishes but I just can't afford them right now :)

  6. This is beautiful! I love her polishes but I try to steer clear of the drama and just admire the polish instead. :)

    1. Agreed! I, too, don't really want to get involved in all the drama -- there's too many headaches in real life already. I also think Lynn made some really lovely polishes, which I would love to get if they weren't so expensive!

  7. There have only been two or three Lynns that I've really wanted but even when the price was "normal," I still wasn't willing to spend that much (with a minimum amount of polish purchase, which I always thought was completely unreasonable). The drama aside, spending hundreds on polish is completely ridiculous to me. No color is really worth that much.

    Side point though, I had to go out and pick up Chocolate Sprinkles today. After seeing you swatch it and post it a few times, I couldn't hold out any longer. That brown is perfection.

  8. Very pretty :)

    I don't care for all the drama surrounding the brand. I don't care for how Lynn has presented herself. The polishes are very hard to get ahold of, so that is my main reason for not purchasing any. I own no Lynn's & I don't plan on giving her any of my money.

  9. I am not really fond of Lynn's, partially because of the drama around them - I love this swatch though!

  10. i've seen this one, and it's very pretty. :) the only one i have is She Lived in a Swamp, and I only got it because there was a flash sale on Llarowe a whiiiiile back and it was the only one left. I really don't like it, and some might think it's blasphemous, but i've used it to make a few frankens (eek!). i'll never buy one again either, cost way too much. :/

  11. what she did to Llarowe has me wondering. It's just nail polish and it IS her creation; but I dont want to give my money to someone who does not acknowledges the people who help her get there.

  12. I don't like how Lynn is selling so called "limited edition" polishes for $600-$800 on ebay but there is never and mention of how many of this "limited edition" has been made or for how long it will be produced for how does anyone know if it is actually limited edition or if she will just make and sell them for as long as someone is willing to pay these extreme prices!! I also do not agree with her blocking anyone who buys from her from buying again if they sell any of the polishes. I feel like when you buy something then its yours and you should be able to do anything you want with it (including selling it for a profit) and still be able to buy another one if it is still available from the original source. I think Lynn is just trying to control and manipulate the sale of her polishes by others in order to increase her own profits and I feel this is an unethical business practice. Her polishes are nice, but not worth her new higher prices and I don't want to support her horrible business practices anyway.

  13. I never really got what all the fuss was about her polishes. They have glitter in them and they're nice but it's not like they're this amazing holo or anything so I don't understand why they cost so much. Her drama doesn't make me want any of her polishes and besides, there are a lot of other great indy brands that make quality polishes who appreciate their customers. I'm kind of over the whole indy glitter packed polish anyway.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. First things first: beautiful on you!!!! As for Lynn: there are so many awesome polishes out there waiting to be discovered at reasonable prices, no need to look back - sorry had to remove first comment, too many typos :-/

  16. I have a number of Lynnderellas that I got when they were being sold through Llarowe, and I definitely plan on continuing to wear them. However, I definitely won't be making any further purchases from her.

    This looks lovely on you, though!

  17. I thought that Lynnderella has some lovely ideas, beautiful polish sense and an unfortunate business mindset that alienated her customers. It's unfortunate, really, because she really has a talent for creating unique nail color. I, personally, can't afford to patronize her business and so I take my indie polish money to other makers. But if a Lynnderella ever came to me at an affordable price I can't say I'd turn it down. I just don't see that happening any time soon.


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