
Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Nail Network's 1st Birthday Celebration Event!

Good morning everyone! Today is a very exciting day: it's The Nail Network's first birthday! This time last year, I was just dipping my toes into the giant nail blogging pool. To celebrate, I will bestow three awesome prizes onto three lucky readers! Please read on to see what you could win! (Terms and conditions are located in the Rafflecopter widget).

Prize #1: A full size bottle of Lynnderella Connect the Dots and a mini bottle of Sonnetarium Snowfall (which isn't even being sold yet!) :D

Prize #2: A full size bottle of Sonnetarium Snowfall and mini bottle of Candeo Colors Orchid

Prize #3: One custom piece of jewelry made just for you by me! You can see examples in my Etsy store:

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I so want prize 2!! Orchid looks amazing and have been lemming for it! <3 x

  2. Happy blogiversary. Great prizes - good luck to everybody!! :)

  3. Congrats on one year! :D Great giveaway!

  4. Happy 1st year!!!!Great gifts!!!I'm truly in love with this beauty Connect the Dots ...hope I win:)))

  5. What a nice giveaway... I LOVE your jewelry (and naturally the polish of course!) And your pictures on the etsy site have convinced me to add Captivated to my wish list, LOL!

  6. that's incredible! congratulations!

  7. Hi there! Congrats on your blogiversary! In an attempt to enter your contest on my phone it has somehow submitted an entry for a post to Facebook I made without allowing me to actually paste the link in there for you! I did make the post and will try to fix this later I jut wanted to let you know I am not trying to scam you! Haha

    1. Hi! Thank you! I'll make a note of it, thanks for letting me know! :)

  8. Congrats with the blog aniversary Chelsea! :D í have entered the contest but im on holiday from the 18th of june till 1 july so i may answer late hehe If i would ever win lol. Prize one or two would be great! I have fatty fingers lol i don't fit rings

  9. congrats with the blog anniversary! where can i find the contest i'd love to win some Nail polish!

  10. Congrats on your first year!! I love this giveaway just as much as I love your blog and handmade jewelry =)!!!!

  11. What a nice thing to do, and such fun polishes to play with... Happy Birthday!

  12. Congrats on 1 Year! Great prizes!

  13. COngrats!!! Dude!!! I want prize 2~

  14. Congratulations! Thanks for the giveaway :)

  15. Happy 1st Blogoversary! Thanks for the awesome giveaway! :)

  16. Congrats on 1 year! I can't wait till snowfall is available, i NEED it!

  17. Congratulations on blogging for one whole year!! Prize two is my dream!! Orchid is simply stunning and the full bottle of Snowfall is such an amazing gift!! I really do hope I win!

  18. happy blog-iversary! you have some great posts, and I am a big fan!

  19. Happy blog birthday! Thanks for the lovely giveaway :) xo

  20. Thankyou for such a great giveaway with amazing prizes :) xxx

  21. Happy blog birthday... thanks for the awesome giveaway :)

  22. Thank you for your work this year!!! You're amazing! Keep reading you from Spain! :)

  23. Congrats and Thank you for the giveaway

  24. Happy blog birthday, Great giveaway <3

  25. happy blogging birthday! this is an awesome giveaway! thanks for the chance to win, all the prizes are amazing!


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