
Friday, June 15, 2012

KBShimmer Swatch Spam: Part One

Hey guys, I have some more KBShimmer swatches for you today! There will be more on Monday morning to round off the last of the ones I was sent. Unfortunately, I'm a slacker and waited until almost midnight last night to write this post, as I got home late, so I'm going to just do a quick recap of each color. The photos really speak for themselves anyway! :P Three coats of each with one coat of top coat, unless otherwise specified.

This is one coat Bejeweled over RBL Mismas.

The lovely Ice Queen. (It was funny that I received this one to review since my BF calls me Ice Queen sometimes when I'm really mean ;P)

Newsprint, an awesome and unique mix of black, white, and red glitter in a medium gray base.

My favorite of this bunch (shocker! it's turquoise!): Proud Peacock. Sooooo perfect.

Last but not least, Ring Master. A unique mix of black, white, red, and gold glitter in a red jelly base.

KBShimmer will be listing polishes for sale on Monday. As far as I know, there is not a set time, but Christy expects to have plenty of polish available for everyone. To keep updated with her, you can like KBShimmer on Facebook and browse her online store.

*Product(s) in this post were provided for swatching purposes. I have reviewed them with my honest opinions.*


  1. I'm with you on that: Proud Peacock is just perfect!

  2. Lovely, particularly the Proud Peacock x

  3. So I have some KBShimmers on their way to me... but I never dreamed Ring Master would be THIS gorgeous! Are you kidding right now? I might have to order more on Monday.

  4. WOW! Stunning! Bejeweled and Ring Master are on my wishlist.

  5. OMG! Proud Peacock. Must own! Newsprint is also really cool. Great swatches, as usual!

  6. great swatches and fabulous photos - I really like that you used the same angle for all the photos x

  7. Oh these are all so pretty! Love that Proud Peacock. Just when I put myself on a no buy diet... haha....


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