
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Zoya Beach Water Marble

So have you figured out yet that I'm obsessed with water marbling? I don't even mind cleaning up the mess anymore! For this mani, I used four of the new colors from the Zoya Beach collection, Lara, Arizona, Tracie, and Wednesday. I am so in love with these colors that it's not even funny. They look so tropical together and are absolutely perfect for summer!

Here's a photo of my right hand for you... Oddly enough, it's very hard to me to pose my dominant hand nicely. Weird, huh? Anyway, I think I'm getting much better at getting a similar design on every finger. I was very, very happy with how these turned out and even more happy that Zoyas are so great for water marbling!

 Edited to add a video tutorial, please enjoy!!


  1. OMG, this is insanely beautiful!!! The colors just merged perfectly! Now I so want this Zoya collection AND give water marbling a try:)

  2. freaking amazingly awesome! best water marble ever and so summery!!!

  3. You did an amazing job! It's so fun, bright and it reminds me of tropical fruit :P

  4. well .. you 'll oblige me to try once again a marble if you goes on posting your beautiful nails, with such a beautiful combo of colours!!!!

  5. you're water marbling is amazing!

  6. Wow, what an amazing look! You're inspiring me to try a water marbling again, last time I did it it was a total fail. I guess it just takes practice. Zoya polishes seem wonderful, I really ought to try them.

  7. So nice, very summery indeed!

  8. Absolutely love those colors and what a fab job on the water marbling. I just got my Zoya Beach & Surf yesterday.

  9. you are right, the colors are stunning together :)

  10. Amazing! Love the color combo :)

  11. omygoodness these are some amazing colors looks great! :))

  12. You do beautiful marbles. Any tips to help us less gifted!?

    1. Yes, any tips would be great! I've never tried it myself yet, but have heard that it doesn't always go smoothly at first and takes practice. I had never heard about using bottled water at room temp instead of tap water before, maybe that's the key! Ok, I'm off to give this a try, wish me luck! Ill try to post the results, or at least post a comment on if it worked.
      Oh, one other thing she mentioned was how Zoya works really well for marbling, does anyone know what it is about the Zoya polishes that makes them work so well? I'm wondering what other brands might work well too.

  13. This is beautiful. I think I'm going to try my first water marble tomorrow afternoon! :)

    1. I've never done it myself, but I've heard from a ton of people that it takes practice, I guess it doesn't always work, and that you need to be very patient because it takes so long to do each nail. Good luck! :)

  14. This is so beautiful!!! And I love that Zoya colour that you are holding!! :D

  15. OMG. i freakin love this so much....i too share your love for water marbling. its seriously my favorite style to do & don't care about the prep or cleanup process. I'm about to do a 7-day challenge and I'm so doing this look with 2 solid nails & 2 marbled nails! gorgeous color combos! makes me want to be laying on a beach!

    1. What about the 5th nail? Im guessing either your math skills need a little work or your family genes are so advanced that you were born without pinkies :)

  16. Gorgeous. Best argument for the Beach collection yet! You make the colors look outstanding. :)

  17. So beautiful! I have never attempted water marbling but I have way too many Zoya polishes (including Wednesday, Tracie, and Shelby from this collection) to NOT try it out! I'd love to see step-by-step photos of this look. (Sorry, not a blogger, saw this post on Zoya's Facebook so I don't know if you've done any other posts like this.) --Stephanie

  18. I too first saw this on Zoya's Facebook page and I have spent quite some time looking through your blog. It's wonderful!!! Do you have any blog posts about how you do your manicures, they all look flawless! What is the secret? No matter how long I spend, I manage to mess it up somehow.

  19. I have to admit that, even if probably I wouldn't wear it, you did a stunning job, colours are so great all together in this way!

  20. It's so beautiful! It looks awesome!

  21. This. Is. AMAZING! It makes me want the collection even more!

  22. This looks absolutely amazing! These colors work great together.

  23. Wow! That is a gorgeous marble!!

  24. absolutely love this - such a beautiful colour combination xxx

  25. Amazing job, I need to start water marbling again!

  26. AHHH looks like rainbow sherbert!!! LOVE IT!

  27. LOVE! I need to work on my marbling skills. This is a great combo!

  28. I enjoy your blog, so I nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award! Check my blog out to see!

  29. Gorg! This is really impressive - rarely see shimmers used in water marble manis - nice combo with the surf & beach shades.

  30. This is amazing!!! I am in awe of you right now!

  31. Your watermarble is amazing!! You've got killer skills, that's for sure!

  32. You are my watermarble hero! This is to die for!!

  33. This is incredibly cute! Well done, your watermarbling is so neat!

  34. Gorgeous colour combo. Beautiful marbling job!! Very inspiring. wtg

  35. Sweet Jesus. This is amazing.

    If unicorns were playing a rigorous round of beach volleyball on a beautiful summer's day, this is what their pools of pony sweat would look like.


    1. You just won Comment of the Year! I'm dying here hahaha

  36. I'm trying out these colors over the next week & I'm loving them so far. Gorgeous use of them!

  37. this is the most beautiful psychedelic water marble I have ever seen! You are amazing at them!!! xx

  38. This is absolutely gorgeous! So fun, happy, and springy!

  39. It helps to have naturally gorgeous nails like yours, but I guess I might try it on my stubby nails. Very cool. Love these colors together.

  40. Ive been trying out the water marble lately, and found that petroleum jelly is so much easier than using tape, smear it all over, it allows you to get really close to your cuticles too (less clean up!).

    Have you found any other nail polish brands that work as successfully as zoya and essie? your water marbles always look fab and bright!

    1. Thanks for the tip, I'll have to try that! Tape is definitely a pain in the butt.

      I've also used Essie, China Glaze, and Sephora by OPI polishes for watermarbling. Some of them are hit and miss though. For example, my Essie Turquoise and Caicos worked beautifully, but Nice is Nice wouldn't spread at all. I might try thinning it and seeing it that will help.


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