
Thursday, April 12, 2012

China Glaze Smoke and Ashes

Here is the last of my Hunger Games polishes: Smoke and Ashes. This is a dark green, almost black, base with green shimmer. Smoke and Ashes is very edgy and has a great formula; I used two coats here. This actually reminds me of a darker version of China Glaze Glittering Garland from their last holiday collection, which I also loved. Sorry for not getting these swatches done earlier, but you should still be able to find the Hunger Games collection easily! :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I really love this polish, such a great colour :)

  3. Love this color. It's one of my favourites from this collection. :)

  4. I can't believe I still have this one as an untried, I need to try this soon!

  5. It looks really cool! It's deep black!

  6. I just finished the second HG book and I now know the reason behind this polish's name. lol. I think I might need this one. You had me at edgy. :)

  7. So pretty! I need to wear mine!

  8. I just cannot get the green down in there to show up on my nails. I thought for awhile there might be 2 versions of this one. I have stood mine upside down and mixed it super well to get the glitter in it distributed - but nothing. It still even in really good light has very little glimmer in it. I am tossing this one into my donate pile. It just won't preform for me.

    1. I had the same problem, but what I do is: put two coats on, let it dry all the way, then take a cotton pad (or something equivalent that does not shred easily) and use nail polish remover and quickly swipe over the nail. That removes the top black layer, and letting the sparkles come through which were previously sunken in the bottom. Then cover it with two coats of clear polish. Beautiful!


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