
Friday, March 9, 2012

Walt Disney World Series: Part 3

As I was flipping through all my photos from our trip to WDW for inspiration this week, I knew there was no way I could leave this one out. When we were in Epcot, my momma got the prettiest margarita I've ever seen from a booth in Mexico. It was called a Fiesta Margarita and it was made of three different layers of lime, mango, and strawberry margarita. It was so pretty, so I made a mani out of it! 

I started out with two coats of Zoya Purity for my base. I sponged Essie Navigate Her for the lime margarita, Essie Tart Deco and Finger Paints Circus Peanuts for the strawberry, and Finger Paints Lemon Sour for the mango. I'm kicking myself for not buying China Glaze Papaya Punch when it was on clearance at Ulta... it would have been perfect for the mango color! Anyway, I sponged more Purity on my tips and added China Glaze Luxe and Lush on top in an attempt to mimic salt.

And here's my lovely mother with her beverage! Aren't they beautiful? :) And yes, super observant readers, I did mess up the colored layers in my mani...

So how did you like my WDW Series week?? I loved it! I'm going to leave this series open-ended because I definitely think that I want to come back and do more of these inspiration manis!


  1. So cute! Definitely looks edible!

  2. OMG! This is awesome!!! And I think I'm around the same age as your mother if not older-man I feel old now!

  3. Hi I've discovered your blog this week-end and I really like what you do ! I'm going to go on following you ! Congrats this manucure is so sweet! I think Luxe &Lush from CG makes it be perfect!!!! Xo from France

  4. I forgot how I found your blog but I'm following now because I love this WDW Series! I've thought about doing a Disney series for awhile but never got around to it. Can't wait to see more of these posts as well as everything else.

  5. What a cute idea!!!! I wouldn't have even noticed the color mix up if you hadn't mentioned it, lol. I think the salt tips are sooooo cute!


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