
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Sand & Surf Water Marble

Happy Wednesday! We're halfway through the week, yay!! I'm really looking forward to this weekend; my family and I are going out to dinner together Saturday night (for awesome wings!) and Sunday is my boyfriend's birthday and the annual canoe race held in the town that most of my family lives in. Hopefully it will warm up a little by then!

Today I have an awesome water marble that I did a few days ago. Can I just tell you guys how much I love water marbling now? It's so gorgeous and I've gotten so many compliments on it already. For this one, I used Essie Turquoise & Caicos, Zoya Robyn, and Zoya Cho. Zoyas work so well for water marbling, which is awesome because I have so many of them! :P

This next photo is the most color accurate of all of them. I had a hard time capturing the brightness of Robyn; it's much brighter than all of my photos show. I added some dots over Cho with Robyn to all of the nails that I marbled on to fill in some of the empty space. I used two coats of Robyn and three of T&C on my other fingers.

Here's a shot of my left hand to match the one above of my right...

And last but not least are my thumb nails. The one on the right is my absolute favorite because it was the only one that really ended up looking like a wave! I'm really bummed out about how dull the blue looks :( Next up on my water marbling list is the Zoya Beach collection! :D


  1. Hi :)

    I wish my water marble would end up always like yours, it looks beautiful! And I loved the choice colors, nice work!

    Give me your talent, please :)


  2. I love it! I haven't tried water marbling yet maybe I'll just start out doing a few nails :)

  3. So jealous. Looks awesome. Every time I try it looks terrible.

  4. Oh my goodness, this just came out amazing. I haven't done any water marbling yet but I'm sure anything I try will look terrible compared to yours! lol.

  5. This looks so great! I love the dots you added to the marbled design.

  6. I don't think I've ever seen a water marble as good as this! Come and do mine please? :D

  7. This is a beautiful water marble!! I love the idea of adding dots, I will have to try that with one of my marble sometime.

  8. Thanks to @TheSammersaurus I saw this beautiful mani. I wish I could water marble like this. Maybe it's time I try again.

  9. You know what ? I'm jealouss!!!! It's so beautiful really and the colors are perfect together, I want this Essie !!!

  10. Definitely the most beautiful water marbling effect i've seen.

  11. Wow so amazing its unbelievable. Please do a tutorial so I can learn. =]]

  12. This is so beautiful!! :D

  13. I love it. I think you pick just the right colors to do this

  14. Holy cow this is gorgeous!!!!! I love the dots you added to it too! Simply stunning!

  15. Absolutely stunning! So delicate and lovely, reminds me of fancy pottery that I would get at an art show. Amazing =)

  16. that is absolutely gorgeous xxx it looks like fine china :)

  17. ugh, amazing!! these colors are beautiful together!

  18. OH my goodness - this is absolutely STUNNING!!

  19. INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love doing water marbling & I'm SO doing this look next time i do it! love the extra touches u added by doing solid nails & adding dots to the marble design! fabulous!

  20. This is incredible! I love the colors and am jealous of your thumbnails, mine are so sad I never show them! Really cool marbling though!

  21. WOW! This is just too fab! For the water marbeling to have come out just this way that it created the swirling to adapt perfectly to your dotting enhancement is wild! The colors are perfect! This is entry for a contest worthy!

  22. this is ridiculously gorgeous!

  23. omg this looks amazing and i REALLY want to try it! i have no idea how to do water marbling though, i've never heard of it before.

  24. That is one awesome warble marble :O it looks amazing!!!! :)

  25. Love this! Tracked you down via google after seeing an unattributed pin on pinterest (I only pin from original sources!) (


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