
Saturday, March 17, 2012

Influenster Love VoxBox Review

I heard about Influenster about the time that their Holiday VoxBoxes went out, so I decided to sign up then and see if I would be chosen to get one of their boxes in the future. I was chosen to review their Love VoxBox which came out around Valentine's Day. I received this box completely free from Influenster in return for my honest opinions on the products included. Read on to see what I got!

These are nail stickers from Kiss. I have worn them and will have a separate review posted later today! :)

A tea sampler from Stash was also included in my box. There are 2 bags of each different flavor tea included in the box. I have yet to try any of these, but Cinnamon Apple Chamomile and Mango Passionfruit sound so good! 

This is a box of Truvia sweetener packets. These are going to my mom. I don't really ever add extra sugar in anything I eat/drink, so I don't think I'd be able to tell the difference and make an accurate comparison. 

I used the Venus & Olay razor the day after I received my VoxBox and I loved it! All you do is run the razor head under the shower water and shave! You don't need soap or shave gel or anything, which is nice because it cuts a little bit of time off of my shower. It shaved very closely and left my skin soft and smooth. They are, however, pretty expensive as far as razors go (in my eyes), so I probably won't be buying replacements heads for this. 

Ah, now this... this I was excited about! Food! And chocolate specifically! Mmmm. This gourmet milk chocolate bar from Ghirardelli was gone pretty much as soon as I opened it. It was creamy and tasted amazing. I'm sure there are tons of you out there who have never tasted the deliciousness that is Gertrude Hawk Chocolate, but this bar from Ghirardelli tastes very similar! I also received a coupon for these bars in the box, so I will most definitely be buying more! 

So what you think, readers? I was really excited to be part of this awesome program and I was even more excited when I saw what was in my box. Let me know if you decide to try anything out that you saw here!

*The products in this post were provided by Influenster via the Love VoxBox for an honest review.*

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