
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Girly Bits Hippity Hop

For those of you who aren't familiar Girly Bits, they are the brainchild of a brilliant woman named Pam with a knack for creating unique and exciting handmade polishes! Pam recently came out with her newest collection, Calendar Girls, and Hippity Hop is the color for April. I decided that the best way to showcase Hippity Hop would be to apply it over a skittle mani of pastel, spring shades. Details of which shades I used are below! If you are interested in ordering Girly Bits polishes, you can do so on her blog or on Llarowe

Below is two coats of Hippity Hop over three coats of Milani Mint Candy on my ring finger and Orly Kiss the Bride on my pinky nail. What's really neat about Hippity Hop is that some of the little hexagon glitter pieces are 3D! It's like having little tiny rhinestones in the mix!

Here I layered Hippity Hop over three coats Essie Nice is Nice and Finger Paints Lemon Sour. I don't really ever wear skittle manis, but I loved this one so much and I cannot wait to recreate it for Easter!


  1. I'm loving pastel colours right now so this is perfect for me!

  2. These are amazing skittles. I love Hippity Hop...and what a perfect name for using over springtime shades - the name reeks of spring time, bunnies and all! I really am liking the sparser glitters now vs. the days of the heavy ones that we were upset if we could not get to full opacity on them. I have so many pretty polishes I want to see and enjoy. Having lighter more translucent toppers is right up my ally.

  3. I love Girly Bits polish!!! SO awesome!

  4. Very very pretty!! I am heading off to Girly Bits now... thanks^^

  5. WOOOW just wonderful ! Happy manicure :) Love it !

  6. Love its beautiful colors. Nice this post!


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