
Friday, March 2, 2012

Finger Paints Gumdrops & Lollipops Collection Review

Even though my local Sally Beauty Supply has a large and well-stocked supply of Finger Paints polish, I'm ashamed to say that I haven't tried them until right now. The Gumdrops & Lollipops collection is Finger Paints's Spring 2012 collection and should be available now in your local Sally's and online. This collection is composed of pastels, brights, cremes, and shimmers that are perfect for spring!

First up is Lemon Sour, which is a light yellow creme. As with most yellows, the application on this one was a little testy and I needed three coats in order for it to level out and be opaque. Patience is definitely needed for shades like this. I always say that I hate yellow on me and even though this makes my skin appear slightly red, I can't help but like it anyway.

Up next is a peach/coral creme called Circus Peanuts. Finger Paints calls this an orange creme, but I just don't see the orange. I love bright coral-ly shades like this so much! Circus Peanuts was a little streaky and required three thin coats as well.

Choco Mint is one of those minty/muted greens that seems to have become really popular in the past year. This one had much better coverage and needed only two coats. In the bottle, it seems pretty close to OPI Mermaid Tears, but I have to say that the Finger Paints formula was actually much better than my OPI's, though it photographed brighter than it actually is.

Fair warning, but this next one did not photograph nearly bright enough. In person, Blue Raspberry Taffy is a gorgeous, bright, and vivid shade of blue. The press release photo (that you can see here) is much more accurate. I need two coats here and had zero application issues. Double up on the base coat for this one!!

Mmmmm, purple. How obvious was it that I was going to love this one? As far as formula and color go, Grape Gumball is my favorite of the whole collection. Absolutely perfect formula, two coats for opacity, and amazing shimmer? Sold.

Last, but not least, is Pop Rock Pink. If you enlarge this photo, you can see all the slight shimmer that is suspended in the hot pink jelly base of Pop Rock Pink. I was a little surprised to find that this had a jelly finish, but in a good way. It covers nicely in three coats and seems like it would be great for a spring version of the popular glitter sandwich trend.

Overall, I think this collection works very well for spring, but it's a little on the "safe" side. I feel like I've seen a lot of these colors before. Grape Gumball is the standout for me because I really don't have anything else comparable to it in my collection (and I love purple!). I'm very pleased to have them all in my collection though; they would make great bases for some spring-themed stamping!

*Some or all of product(s) in this post were provided for an honest review.*


  1. I love these colours for spring/ summer! So fresh and pretty :)

  2. I like Blue Raspberry Taffy and Grape Gumball best! I really start to like those Finger Paints polishes, sadly they're hard to get overseas...

  3. I just bought all of these but lemon sour! I'm so very excited about them, and I think you've convinced me to try grape gumball first! :D

  4. fine, I give up. I will go to Sally's this afternoon and TOTALLY blaming you!

  5. All are pretty, but I especially love the last two! :) Lovely swatches :)

  6. The last 3 are soo yummy! Great swatches Chelsea!

  7. I love that coral. Beautiful!

  8. BEAUTIFUL colors, Circus Peanuts is so pretty. NEED that one! And your swatches are the best I have seen so far. Your nails are beautiful and the quality is so clean and clear. Thank you for this post!


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