
Thursday, February 16, 2012


I know everyone says this when they reach a milestone, but I really can't believe that there are 600 of you who liked my blog enough to follow it! That's so awesome and flattering and I really don't know what else to say other than thank you, thank you, thank you!!

As a token of my appreciation, I have a small (but awesome!) giveaway for you all! Jody, the creator of SoFlaJo polishes, has kindly donated two bottles of her incredible polishes for me to give away! One lucky winner will receive one bottle of The Conjuror (which I reviewed here) and one bottle of Pendragon (which you can see swatched here).

1. You must be a public follower of The Nail Network. New followers are welcome!
2. This giveaway is open internationally.  
3. You must be 18+ or have parental approval.
4. No purchase necessary. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Congrats on 600 followers and Thank you for the giveaway

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks! They really are amazing little polishes!

  3. awesome, I know you are going to get many more since this blog rocks!!! Congrats.

  4. New follower here, newly addicted to nail polish...
    Congrats on the 600, here's to another 600 x10!
    Loving this blog-thanks for the giveaway!

  5. Yay i love a giveaway! and that rhymes ^^

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