
Friday, January 27, 2012

Zoya Maisie Matte

I don't know how it is that I always forget I have a matte topcoat, but I barely ever use it. It's really unfortunate too because gorgeous stuff like this happens with it! This is two coats of Dr.'s Remedy NOBLE Navy with one coat of Zoya Maisie and Essie Matte About You. The flakies in Maisie look green like this most of the time, but in certain lighting situations, they turn to a gorgeous shade of aqua that was really hard to capture. 


  1. This combo looks awesome mattified :)

  2. Love Zoya Maisie and in my opinion, Matte About You is the best matte polish I've tried so far!

  3. This is gorgeous! Lovely combo, Chelsea!

  4. This is seriously stunning! I have to try this when I get Maisie ;D

  5. This is so beautiful!!! :D

  6. I really love the matted flakies look, I normally dont like matted finishes, but I really like it over flakies.

  7. Oh, flakies matted... drool... :)

  8. This is simply stunning! Gorgeous combo! I love matte flakies!! :)

  9. This is an awesome combination! **drool**

  10. Wow ! This is awesome!

  11. I'm starting to believe that flakes looks good only if they are matte, thanks to you ;)


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