
Friday, January 13, 2012

Girly Bits Street Magic

I'm not sure if anything I have to say could really do this one justice, so let's just get right to the photos! This is one coat of Girly Bits Street Magic over two coats of Julep Trina, a deep purple shimmer. As you can see by this first photo, Street Magic generally shifts between yellow and green.

Here's a bit more yellow/gold than the first photo shows:

And when the light hits it just right, you get this gorgeous rusty orange/red shade of shimmer to appear! I wore this mani for four days and even on the fourth day, I was still catching myself moving my hands around and staring at the awesome color shifts.

Have I convinced you to go buy some Girly Bits polishes yet?! I hope so! You can use the links below to check out what shades Pam is offering at the moment and to learn how to order.

You can view polishes that are available to order here.


  1. One word for this polish - WOW!! I've never heard of Girly Bits before, I'll definitely be googling that baby now! :-)

  2. EEEE I want!!! XD Stunning!!!

  3. Amazing :O I just love these colour-shifting polishes <3

  4. I have this and just ordered more!!! I love her polish-this one is freaky awesome!

  5. I love the purple shimmers peaking though the green!!

  6. This is like what I wanted owls night to look like!

  7. Pam is a genius! And this is a genius combo! Gorgeous.

  8. epic! you're making me want to crack open my bottle and go to town

  9. OMG, gorgeous, bet you can't stop looking at your nails!

  10. Amazing combo! I can't stop looking at this; it's STUNNING!

  11. Wow thats stunning. I can't wait until Feb to order some.

  12. The purple which you used as a base look amazing here and the combo is magical

  13. I "pinned" this it's so gorgeous! You've now been inducted into My Favorite Lacquer Fanatics board... :)


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