
Saturday, October 29, 2011

Giveaway Winner!

Hello everyone! I hope you're all warm and comfy today; we're getting snowed in here as I type this. Who would have expected this much snow in October?

Anyway, the more exciting news I have for you today is the announcement of the winner of my 200 Follower Giveaway. So here we go:

And the winner is Amy from Gotham Polish! I have e-mailed her and she has 24 hours to respond; in the case that she doesn't respond, I will choose another winner. Thank you all so much for entering and I hope you have a lovely evening!

EDIT: I've heard from Amy and will be getting her package out to her tomorrow. Thanks again everyone!


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Please do NOT post a link for your blog in your comment. If you have a blog you would like me to check out, you can send me an e-mail via the address in my Contacts page. Thank you for your understanding.