
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Julep Alfre

Alfre was the second polish that I got in my Introductory Julep Maven box. I don't love it nearly as much as Cameron, but it's still pretty in its own way. Alfre is a frosty silvery purple that needed three coats because of the brushstrokes. The formula was loads better than Anne or Amanda; I feel like the formula is really hit or miss on these Julep polishes. Luckily, thick polishes can be fixed quickly and inexpensively! 


  1. I am ordering this one as soon as it's released! I can't wait! :)

  2. Can u please do swatches of Julep Maggie? It's apparently gorgeous, and I am considering getting it.

  3. @iLadybird, I don't own Maggie, but if I ever get a hold of it, I surely will swatch it for you!


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