
Monday, August 22, 2011

Revlon Carbonite

Before I say anything, I want to send out a big thanks to Sammy at The Nailasaurus for her super sweet compliment on Twitter! Sammy, I know you probably read the comment I left on your post, but your Disney Princess nail art is AMAZING. You are awesome.

Now to the nails...

As you all are reading this, I'm sitting through my first day back in class. Booooo :( I might go to Ulta afterwards though, so that will (hopefully) make my day better. I have Revlon Carbonite to show you today, which I found a whole display of at Wegman's. This color is really cool... I guess the best way I can describe it is a darkened silver or some other type of metal, maybe iron? I used two coats and had zero application issues; I'm very pleased with my first Revlon purchase.

Yes, my stamps are crooked. Stamping straight is really hard! I wanted the stamps closer to my tips as well, but this is what I got. I guess some more practice is in order... 


  1. I came here b/c of Sammy's tweet. Your blog totally rocks! I'm a new follower now :) Beautiful photos (but you major in photography.. cheating? :P) and I see we have something in common xD A few months ago I did this exact look, only it was Nubar Knight's Armor rather than Carbonite. Crazy!

  2. I love this, I didnt see this color this morning when I was out, I think I need to go out and search some more

  3. @Betty, great minds think alike, right? ;) Thank you so much for following!

    @Nina Patricia, I hope you can find it! It's really lovely.

  4. That base coat polish is amazing. I really like it!


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