
Thursday, June 23, 2011

Wet 'n' Wild Ocean Grotto

This color is... interesting. It's not something I would typically go for (I haven't really ventured much into the yellow/orange/green section of the color wheel, though I'm trying) but I picked it up because of how glittery it looked. And I'm glad I did! Ocean Grotto is a limey yellow-green shade that is packed with glitter flecks. The application was decent and I used three coats for the below photos. The best part? These (not so) little guys are only $1.99! This first photo was taken outside in what was left of the sunlight for the day...

And this photo was under room lighting... I think the glitter shows up better in this one...

I found this at my local CVS; it's part of the (apparently) limited edition summer collection called Mermaid's Cove. A lot of the polishes in the display were gone, including what looked like a nice lighter orange shade. You may still be able to find some in your area if you check soon! 


  1. Time for a trip to CVS haha! I really like this color, kind of a yellow green.

  2. Thank you for following! I work right next to a CVS so whenever I'm bored at work, I'll walk over and look around for a few minutes. It's really bad for my wallet haha


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